Precision Tattoo Removal: Professional Laser Machine for Exceptional Results



Release time:
02-28 10:07

Our professional laser tattoo removal machines are engineered to meet the highest standards of precision and efficiency in the tattoo removal process. It has multiple wavelengths including 532nm, 755nm, and 1064nm, which can effectively target various tattoo colors with excellent accuracy.
Key features of our machines include:
1. Pulse width: 500ps - ensures the best therapeutic effect by delivering precise laser pulses.
2. Adjustable Spot Size: 2-10mm - Allows customization of treatment settings to accommodate different tattoo sizes and locations.
3. 7-Joint Articulated Arm - Provides flexibility and ease of maneuverability during treatment, ensuring precise placement of tattoo ink.
Additionally, as a reseller of our products, you benefit from:
- Competitive prices and favorable terms.
- Comprehensive training and support to ensure you are equipped to market and sell our products effectively.
- Continuous product updates and enhancements to stay ahead in the competitive market.
All in all, our professional laser tattoo removal machines offer the perfect combination of precision, versatility, and ease of use, please feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a demonstration of our machines.
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